maandag 17 augustus 2009

Silver Diamond's Rakan and Narushige

This drawing was made at work today.
Just Chigusa is missing on this one, but I didn't had the time and energy to draw the last one too, considering I did this in a little over an hour already. Chigusa will follow tomorrow I hope and then I will upload the complete raw.

I'm kinda proud that I made 2 of these nice drawings in 2 days after almost a year of no drawing at all.
But that doesn't mean I work lesser at work :) I ALWAYS finish my job first!!!
Pff I'm quite tired today but I will do my 2v2 matches with Ghron :)

Maybe until tomorrow. Ow I want to buy a lightbox this week (if I find a cheap one) so that I can work on the Chigusa picture too.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

awesome work :>