zondag 18 april 2010


Hurray, the first episode of Uraboku (Uragiri wo Boku no Namae wo Shitteru -> Betrayal knows my name) started airing last sunday!! Can't wait for episode 2 to come out today.

Today I heard something funny, my neighbour is going at the same time to Japan as I'm going there. So I told him to grab a cup of coffee over there XD (Isn't it great, you meet your neighbour in Japan instead at your own home country!!) At least he can give me some good tips cause he's been there for over 3 times now so that is really nice and convenient.

I have my Spanish retest this week and another simple retest so I think I can continue with drawing and WoW before I start my traineeship at the 26th of April.

I also will go to a 80's and 90's party so lots of fun stuff is awaiting me :).

Talk to you guys soon again!!

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