donderdag 1 juli 2010

July 1st!!

Hi everyone,

It's finally July the 1st. Just 15 more days and it's off to Japan!!!!
At my traineeship I'm wrapping up all the projects now so that I can go without having to worry that something isn't finished.

I made a travelmap so that I have all the paperwork together without needing to dig into my bags to find this or that.
At the 10th of this month I have my "I'm going to Japan" barbeque with some folks (ofc I needed a reason to celebrate Japan haha).

I went to my bankoffice cause a lot of the payment thingies wasn't really clear. After I spoke to the person in charge it all cleared up now so that is really nice.
Also the Yen became quite expensive. So that means my trip will cost even more. But oh well, I'm doing this just once so....go for it.

For postalcards please leave your address in a comment here or on my facebookpage (sent it as a private message).

See you again soon with new updates about my travelling :)


2 opmerkingen:

Nath zei

Wootwoot! Mijn adres heb je wel he ;)

Keely zei

Ja die heb ik :) Ken ik zelfs uit mijn hoofd!